Victor Frankenstein

Well I enjoyed this while I was watching it. There was a certain marked dynamic energy and a bit of a devil-may-care attitude to all we saw and both MacAvoy and Ratcliffe gave a strong sense of having fun in what they were doing but afterwards I felt that it, the film as a whole, did not have a real sense of what it was trying to do or be.

Was it an exploration of the Frankenstein/Igor relationship, was it a depiction of Victorian England on the cusp of change for scientific advancement and the growing influence of science as opposed to the church, was it about a wealthy aristocrat who wanted to defeat death, was it about a difficult and conflicted father/son relationship, was it about a somewhat possibly religious obsessed detective who was driven to find out what Victor was doing? In one way the Frankenstein story is allow these elements, at least in this telling and I felt that it would have been a more coherent film if a few if not just one of these had been made the main film focus. Still rumbustious fun and a good way to spend a couple of hours of a Saturday.

