The Batman: Cinema Allee, Budapest April 8th 2022

Oh dear -I really do not know how long they can go on re-booting these superhero franchises – and this one tried so hard. This latest one had zero impact on me which, given the vast resources thrown at it was disappointing, to put it ridiculously mildly. I just did not care at all about any of the characters and did not feel I learnt anything new or interesting about them. My instinctive feeling is that, for dark and satisfying tellings of the tale, the Nolan trilogy has said all that needs to be said and that now all others can shut up shop and go away.

The visuals were impressive but again, nothing really new and creative – although the level of lighting must set some sort of record.

Pattinson was, in moments, characteristically interesting but if you are not given interesting material…

The Lost City: Odeon, Hereford. May 22nd 2022

Nightmare Alley. Picturehouse Central, London. Feb 20th 2022