Circus of Books. Enchanting documentary about a conservative straight couple who ran gay bookstore in CA

Marvellous account of a marvellous couple who ended up running for 30 years a gay bookstore in CA. Was of vital and central importance in the pre-internet days for the gay comunity and its importance movingly testified to by many. The film was made by their daughter (and at times film endearingly reveals mother’s puzzlement/mild irritation at making of said film). The children never knew exactly the nature of the bookshop - obviously - and if asked (and parents said this as well) just said they ‘ran a bookstore’.

One son came out as gay at university and latter part of film explores how mother (traditional, committed Jewish) had to come to terms with this when her religion said it was ‘an abomination’. She did completely come to terms with it, wonderfully, and became major PFLAG member.

Gem of a film and touching, funny, sympathetic etc etc…all the things Tiger King was not!

Team Foxcatcher. Fascinating and touching documentary about murder of wrestler Dave Schultz by John du Pont.

American Factory: Documentary on what happens when a Chinese firm takes over a mid-western business