Team Foxcatcher. Fascinating and touching documentary about murder of wrestler Dave Schultz by John du Pont.

The film Foxcatcher (seen by myself) with, amazingly, a non-irritating, Steve Carell & Channing Tatum was based on these events.

This was a well-wrought documentary that did not sensationalise in any way but merely allowed the events and the characters to speak for themselves and did not try to interject the makers’ views or indulge in speculation; instead it just told us what happened and avoided cheap speculation.

Most powerful footage was from the family of the murdered wrestler. It was very much personal footage shot as a private family record, not meant for online ‘likes’ and self-indulgence and all the more touching for that. Particularly chilling that the actual killing was (aurally) recorded, presumably from the 911 call.

du Pont himself came across as a sad figure - an all-too-familiar story of someone who had, monetarily and socially, everything, but personally almost nothing.

Amanda Knox. Revealing documentary about grossly sensationalised case.

Circus of Books. Enchanting documentary about a conservative straight couple who ran gay bookstore in CA