Depp v. Heard: A sad story of two very unhappy people and a meditation/warning/demonstration about the toxic corruption of social media.

After seeing the first episode of Netflix's latest Insta-documentary on the Depp/Heard case, I felt that they make good side by side use of court videos, transcripts and recordings but OMG what a toxic couple! I really feel they both completely deserved each other and each brought out the worst in the other. And of course the moronic fans outside the courtroom only saw and were responding to, Jack Sparrow, not Depp the man. This was a person to whom no-one had ever said 'no' to for a VERY long time; or even merely suggested that perhaps what he was doing or going to do might not be a good idea

The least effective aspect of the programme is the use of idiotic online narcissists offering their comments (often naively ill-informed) with zero legal knowledge and very irritating 'creative' use of video.

By the final episode it was getting quite originally interesting and they started to talk about the genral influence of online culture/media impact on public cases such as these. Howeevr it was rather added on as something of an afterthought and would be worth possibly another, thoughtful final  episode on the impact of this particular case and perhaps then moving on to a wider societal overview. Public not jury decided the case, in a way. And surely, in cases such as these and probably  others, juries nee to be sequestered. I also am sure that it had a very negative effect for domestic/relationship abuse regardless of gender.

Better than I expected it to be, to be honest.

Beckham. Intriguing documentary that smartly gives the impression of being a 'warts and all' picture.

Paris is Burning: Riveting and heartbreaking documentary about the real world of Pose.