Inventing Anna. Variable account of the results of being a sociopath.

Talk about ’.ripped from the headlines’! It was at times disconcerting watching this given how recent the events were as to whether one was watching a dramatization of an extraordinary story with the freedom of approach that that implies or an accurate documentary, and this was an oddly disconcerting experience during the viewing - not helped by each episodes disclaimer that ‘everything was absolutely true - except for the parts that were completely made up’.

Each episode largely focused on one individual and their interactions with Anna so that we saw different aspects of her which confirmed, paradoxically, that no-one really knew her as she could appear to be what the other person wanted her to be - and at the end, whether she truly knew who she was remained a moot point. One episode focused on her, but on her life and experiences before going to America - and how true those were was, of course, another matter. After a few episodes I was beginning to feel that a degree of repetition was kicking in - this is how she scammed X, this was how she scammed Y but as the series progressed it became more emotionally involving, particularly with one of the last episodes about ‘Rachel’ where the real-life impact of what she was doing became chillingly apparent - as did her utter lack of empathy for anyone except herself. And at the very end it was still difficult to work out if she did, actually believe that she was this brilliant businesswoman who was very near to success - I think, in fact, that she did. To have admitted otherwise would have meant a complete psychic collapse I think.

Her future will be interesting…

Hannah Gadsby; Nanette. Superbly powerful and original

The Tinder Swindler: Justifiably acclaimed documentary with a bittersweet far