Nail Bomber: Manhunt. Effective and involving documentary about the nail bombing campaign in London, culminating in the attack on the Admiral Duncan

A more involving true-crime documentary than many. There were several aspects which made it fascinating. Firtly the (brave) young man who infiltrated the neo-Nazi groups such as BNP at that time. He was acting for the anti-Fascist group Searchlight, an early precursor of AntiFa, I suppose. Is the organisation still going? It seemed to be a remarkably valuable one that did a lot of good. He spent 10 years there and even now, remains anonymous. It was fascinating to hear hoim talk of how easy it was to get totally involved and committed to a group such as that and it reminded me of the current situation with members of QAnon and such groups. There was the seductive appeal of being on the inside and ammeber of a sleect group who have ‘the answers’ unlike the rest of the poor saps in the world. Interestingly, in all their propaganda, there was much reference back to ‘the war’ and the view of Britain as it was then in their minds.. Compare the Brexit campaign perhaps? But they never seem to get the irony of praising the UK to the hilt for being GREAT Britain and being a better place then - and yet the person they fought against and defeated was their idol Hitler.

Another fascinating aspect was hearing (re-enacted) excerpts from the police interrogation of the bomber when he was caight shortly after the Admiral Duncan attack and thanks to the undercover agent ‘Arthur’. The most depressing thing about these excerpts was what an ordinary little mind was revealed by them - petty in every way.

The accounts of the Admiral Duncan were particularly chilling as more survivors were spoken to -and spoke about the experience.and we gained a grim idea of the long-term impact of experiencing such an event as that.

At the end there was some bleak humour when the trick played on the bomber while awaiting trial (who was using the inasanity defence and so pleading manslaughetr not murder) by an anti-fascist campaigner was revealed. In order to get him to admit that he was deliberately trying to fool the doctors and psychciatrists, The writer (a ‘hairy-arsed bouncer form Essex’ in his own words) posed as an Aryan-style blonde godddess and succeeedd in getting the necessary admission to scupper his defence!

An effectively short but comprehensive documentary that did a good job - so the sentimental, occasionally slo-mo montage in the closing shots could be forgiven!

This is Pop. Well-made series giving history and development of major aspects of commercial pop music today

S is for Stanley. Potentially riveting insider view of Stanley Kubrick by his long-time driver/general factotum