S is for Stanley. Potentially riveting insider view of Stanley Kubrick by his long-time driver/general factotum


As suggested above, I had great hopes of this but it turned out to be rather a damp squib. The most interesting part was how incredibly and pickily demanding Kubrick was in every aspect of his life - not just films but I suppose this aspect of him was, finally reflected in what he created. Notes left everwhere for every possibility for the most minor matters. But, it did seem that although he was positively vampire-like in the commitment he expected (and apparently got) he did seem to treat people quite well - with the proviso that they were there solely for his benefit and I do not think that he had any conception that anyone around him would or could have anything else to do other than serve him.

The driver/factotum Alessandro, originally a would-be racing driver, was intimately involved in all aspects of K’s film-making but we had virtually no insight, or even anecdotes that might have illuminated this process. It was very much that Alessandro ‘had the experience/But missed the meaning’ which for me was what made it so disappointing.

He also seemed to have acquired a vast archives of materials from his time with K but while we saw a garage filled with items at the very end, virtually nothing was said about this, what they showed or how they were acquired.

A greatly lost opportunity I felt.

Nail Bomber: Manhunt. Effective and involving documentary about the nail bombing campaign in London, culminating in the attack on the Admiral Duncan

Crack: Cocaine, Corruption and Conspiracy. Grimly thorough overview of the 80's crack epidemic in the US