Race to the Summit: Gripping story of two absurdly competitive Alpine speed climbers with the requisite amount of gut-churning mountainside footage.


Fascinating story but with the effect on me of reminding me of how remarkably selfish such sort of climbing (extreme freestyle) where the obsessions of the climber are put above everything and everyone else. There were some interesting observations in the latter part of the film about the nature of (necessity for?) for a significant social media presence, particularly given the central role played by the sponsors of such events.

Some stunning footage – and while the helicopter shots were the most visually striking and impressive (not to mention beautiful and giving one some sort of sense of what it might be like on the summit of these peaks, it was the shots made by the climbing cameramen (and often of the climbers themselves) that provided the must gut-wrenching footage.

Moonage Daydream. Riveting and thoughtful documentary about one of the most important and intelligent musicians of the last century

Beckham. Intriguing documentary that smartly gives the impression of being a 'warts and all' picture.