The Outreau Case; a French nightmare. Measured and disturbing look at a notorious series of cases

A sober and powerful piece of work. The vast amounts of material over many years was well marshalled and organized and it provided an interesting insight into nature of French judicial system.

A number of questions arose from my viewing.

Were the children claiming that a large number of people were involved in assaulting them a means of them trying to cope with the fact that it was only/mainly their own parents who were the perpetrators?

What part was played in the fact that porn was widely available in the family flat?

What was the nature of it and was there any overlap between what was shown on the porn and what the children claimed to have undergone?

A salutary tale, well told.

Martha: An illuminating documentary that was apparently a bit too revealing for its very controlling subject.

Dirty Pop: The Boy Band Scam. Meh.