Agent Elvis: Vulgarly funny but often sharply witty cartoon series.

Slightly based on real life. There is an entertaining and effective use of pop beliefs referenced during the show (Kubrik faked moon landing footage etc) I’ve now seen four episodes and, tbh it is becoming little repetitive but I like idea that is a continually unfolding story and so learn more of characters as the series develop.

Visually and stylistically, it is very effective and pays witty homages to films and styles of 70’s amongst other periods. And perhaps the nicest aspect is that Priscilla Presley plays a major part in it, both on the production side and, just once so far, voicing her younger self in the series. So meta!

Close to Home: Murder in the Coalfield: Well above average, thought-provoking thriller

Succession. Season 1: Remarkably gripping saga that never lets up for one moment.