Succession. Season 1: Remarkably gripping saga that never lets up for one moment.

Interesting that number of scenes start and we then cut away before continuation/resolution – as if we are just briefly told and then we cut to a new scene; good way to maintain interest. Gives speed and narrative e drive.

Scenes often short too – and often want them to be longer.

Some fine subtle shooting – post bachelor party – shot of them all from rear in silhouette waiting for car with Roman separate to one side

The buzz about this series almost approached that of Happy Valley so I was very intrigued to see if, once again, it was true. Well, it is very good indeed but not quite up to HV levels. While there was a pretty complex and involving storyline and plot development, there was an aspect in that it was all on the same level, (not least socio-economic) focusing on people, situations, and setting that were not nearly as richly varied as that evoked by HV.

But it is superbly written with every word made to count – even the incessant cursing and Logan’s Roy’s use of his favourite word. It is very revealing about the characters and the relative poverty of the language is making a point in itself and about the characters at the same time

The music is fascinating as there is simultaneously something sweetly sentimental about it, something nagging that you cannot get out of your head, something that recalls other music but you cannot quite recall what. It’s a fascinating and unique sound palette.  Not the one that you might expect for a story like this.

The characters are skillfully revealed through their words and actions, in all their complexity. At the start you might think that you know what they are like, but your expectations are often subverted – and doubtless will continue to be. Little nuggets of information, particularly about the past, are casually thrown away in asides or muttered comments and I found myself going back to check on what I heard/thought I had heard. Similarly, a high number of scenes are short and a certain amount of information/plot development is given but we then move away to another scene and another aspect of the story. On quite a number of occasions I found myself wanting quite a bit more information from a scene but was then taken away from it. Sometimes that information is given later on but at other times, we have to make do with what we are given. It is necessary to listen very carefully to the dialogue as it is admirably lean and every word and comment is made to count.

A superb start then. I must avoid reading anything in the press about the imminent, and final, Season 4 which is just about to drop.


Agent Elvis: Vulgarly funny but often sharply witty cartoon series.

You. Series 4, Part 2: I am not sure that the series now knows where it is going…