Black Spot 1. Superb and original French TV series with fascinating characters and equally important Twin Peaks-ish location

Originally started this late one night and lost plot and focus after two episodes - but I am SO glad I went back. Superb series where remote forest/mountain location creates wonderful mood for richly plotted story. Great range of inteersting and unique characters, not least the odd outsider, a DA who has been posted to Villefranche due to unspecified errors in last post. He’s totally a fish put of water and allergic to everything. Developing relationship with police chief very well done though and it provides some (of the very few) hints of lightness in this dark saga.

I was initially irritated by constant emphasis on the crows and it seemed like uncharacteristic, heavy-handed symbolism, but as series continued see how it works and superb use of them at the climax of this series. The soundtrack was excellent though with the more or less natural sounds associated with the forest very effective and mood-setting - the sounds were natural and yet also somewhat ambiguously disturbing which suited the story and location wonderfully.

Seems second series just continues it seems as story far from over and an intriguing possibly supernatural element seeems to be creeping in right at the end here. Also two gay characters who are NOT what one usually sees. And as one of the strange and tension-inducing characteristics and devices of the location is the fact that it is in a non-cell=phone/wifi area, characters often have to use paper maps. Odd to see this these days!

Black Spot 2. More than matched S1...

Trapped. Excellent Icelandic-set remote-small-town thriller with multi-strand plot