Trapped. Excellent Icelandic-set remote-small-town thriller with multi-strand plot

A fantastic series. Gripping and multi-layered plot encompassing political and economic issues, human trafficking, murders, family traumas, - and all in a stunning setting in a small isolated township in a fjord. Central police characters were fascinating an the bringing together of all the plot strands, both in the present and in the past, was masterly. In fact all characters, down to the smallest came over is distinct individuals with their part to play in the overall story.

The wearher and setting played a major part in the appeal of this series as far as I was concerned - very unusual and superby filmed. The soundtrack was interesting too - quite aurally demanding but very effectively atmospheric and never there just for its own sake or to unnecessarily underline the action; it always seemed to add to and comment on what was happening and so was a distinct and effective element in the impact of the whole series - aurally it well matched the visuals with a certain cold steeliness about the music - as with the writing where there were no unnecessary words or clumsy expositions.

Great series and am hoping that the second series matches up.

Black Spot 1. Superb and original French TV series with fascinating characters and equally important Twin Peaks-ish location

Fallet. No did not work. Scandi-noir/comedy mash-up. Only saw 3 episodes so no comments,