Bridgerton: Jane Austen on steroids.

Well, in one sense, the above title sums it up completely - but just in case that is not enough…

This was as much fun as the above reaction suggests. It’s a very modern ‘take’ on such a drama - the people all have very modern sensibilities, the dialogue, not wholly convincingly, is a mix of modern (including strong swearing) and a smattering of Regency terms - which works well as they had very precise meanings e.g. the ‘ton’ or accepted high society in a particular place and time’. The subject matter of many conversations is also very contemporary. And the mixed race casting, (which extended up to Queen Charlotte of Mad King George fame) which some might find obtrusive/excessively ‘woke’ particularly in connection with the other modern elements mentioned above, I felt worked well as it was just a given. I don’t know how accurate it is though but tbh that is not of great import I felt.

I loved the opening title sequence with its fluid depiction of wood being carved - an inadequate description as it has to be seen to be really appreciated - and Julie Andrews as the unseen voice of the anonymous author of the ultimate gossip sheet is marvellously arch and mannered to just the right degree of camp - but the apparent revelation of her identity at the very end did NOT convince.

The music was interesting - apparently many contemporary pop songs but played (and played around with) by the sort of instrumental string groups such as one would find at such a ball. But it was particularly annoying for me that the movements of the musicians bore absolutely no relation to the music being heard!

A LOT of money has clearly been put into this - the costumes were spectacular and the number of large-scale balls shown was most impressive - and I am talking about dancing…But the streets did look a bit too pristine - and the interiors were surely not as brightly illuminated as they were shown.

Characters were intriguing, particularly the Duke and his daddy issues. Up to Episode 6, there was great dramatic drive as there was one will he/wont he main relationship we were following. But I felt the 6th episode sagged somewhat, although matters did pick up for the last two episodes. And there were the enjoyable number of possible story lines for the future hinted at too. But I really think they could have come up with a better name for the Duke’s country seat than Clyveden!! This would probably not be noticed by Americans but for us Brits…

The Minions of Midas. Unusual and gripping thriller with genuinely original and effective conclusion

Retribution (aka One of Us). Grippingly intimate thriller about two families and their many inter-related secrets