Capitani: Largely gripping, well-plotted Euro-thriller with Luxemburg setting

This series had many if not most of the now standard Netflix European-set thriller. The setting is a small scale location – in this case a village in Southern Luxemburg which, like many such settings, was very small, claustrophobic and intensely inward-looking with everyone knowing and judging each other’s business, but often putting up a barrier to someone ‘not from around here’ in this case the Northern part of the country. So not startlingly original in its overall concept but it was well done with the young local police officers being effectively drawn.

The pacing was, just about, effective although I do wonder if as many episodes (12) were really needed. Other, wider elements were effectively bought in – local politics and outside criminal influences. Again, not, in themselves, wildly original, but well written and explored. And the linking together and mixing of the various dramatic elements was slickly and convincingly done.

The titular central character was well drawn and did not have too much emotional baggage from the past which weighed him down; such as there was, was dramatically and necessarily effective, with a satisfying conclusion.

It was effectively filmed – the scene which interspersed a memorial service with the start of the victim’s autopsy – was well and powerfully done but more (dramatically) could have been made of this I felt.

The only thing that did slightly puzzle me were the increasingly long and elaborate titles given to each episode – but I should probably re-watch each episode in the light of the title to fully understand these.


Entrapped. Dourly gripping continuation of the icy Icelandic police thriller

The Innocent: A characteristically elaborate and tightly-plotted thriller from Harlan Coben