Elite Series 1 & 2. Absurdly glossy murder drama set in an international school in Spain.

Series 1: https://youtu.be/QNwhAdrdwp0

Seriew 2: https://youtu.be/76AuB3eZxS4

First two series addictively superb. A ridiculously good-looking cast, operatic emotions (and, in the first two series), a good use of double story telling made for gripping viewing. It began with a murder (!) and then alternated police interviews with events discussed as seen by those main participants. Series 1 and 2 gripping and good character and relationship developments but after only one episode of Series 3 felt it was losing its way. Story looks to be very (too) similar to Series 1. Reminded me (in a very good way) of the original Dymasty. Much the same vibe.

Good Girls. Disparate and desperate group of housewives in financial straits combine and go to crime to solve their problems

Toy Boy. Absurdly enjoyable and trashy Spanish soap about a group of male strippers and their involvement in a murder