Toy Boy. Absurdly enjoyable and trashy Spanish soap about a group of male strippers and their involvement in a murder

As cheesy and as tacky as the above comment suggests -but very well done and has just a hint of knowing that it is all absolutely ridiculous. No cliche is left unturned and the dance routines, although they do get better, are as unerotic and absurd as they invariably are and as I recall them from being in DC at Secrets et al!. The lead (recruited from a gym, apparently) is exceptional for the utter immobility of his face and inability to successfully convey any emotion other than the most generalised and basic ones. But it is watchable! And I am looking forward to Series 2 (of which there WILL be one).

Elite Series 1 & 2. Absurdly glossy murder drama set in an international school in Spain.

I Am Not OK With This. Unique mix of high-school angst plus developing superpowers