Everything Sucks: Appealing, if occasionally over-sentimental, tween/teen comedy drama.


A sweetly enjoyable series that, while lurching into excessive sentimentality at the start, then managed to be more controlled, and so more effective as the story unfolded. The young actors were good and their characters, as early teens, had the necessary irritating aspects that are a necessary part for that age group and which are not always acknowledged; that old shibboleth of characters, particularly younger ones, always having to be ‘likeable’. Yuk!

I got something of an 80’s vibe from it, in terms of passion for film and so it could be regarded as being somewhat in the tradition that came from films such as Goonies and their ilk. However, unlike that, and those similar, there was a more authentic edge at some times, particularly as shown in the adult relationship, which, again, is not always the case. Or if that sort of situation is there, it can be treated in a rather cartoonish/not properly serious way. Here, that was not the case and so; it helped to put the main characters ‘nature and issue into a more authentic scenario than is often the case.

I look forward to the second series, which, if my internet research is accurate, may be on the way in a couple of years or less.

The Diplomat: A gripping political drama but initially marred by too frequent lurches into soapy relationship issues.

Borgen; Power and Glory. Very fine and subtly gripping drama