Borgen; Power and Glory. Very fine and subtly gripping drama

What a first-rate, intelligent series.  A really gripping personal/political drama that is bang up to date and although the events take place 10 years after an earlier 3-part series with most of the main characters featured in this, I did not feel at all lost or have any sense that I was missing out on anything significant.

The tying in of the personal and professional was very slick and convincing and I never felt, as you can do with these series, that at times the personal was unconvincingly affecting the political and vice-versa. Here all was well in convincing balance.

The long episodes (one hour) did not drag – too often such long-episoded series can seem padded but this was not the case here as there was time for situations and personalities to be clearly sorted and revealed.

The ending was satisfying, dramatically and emotionally, and really did wrap up the story well. First rate all round and yet more proof that the Scandinavians are the BEST at doing thoughtful well-constructed multi-episode series.



Everything Sucks: Appealing, if occasionally over-sentimental, tween/teen comedy drama.

Ragnarok: Series 3. Difficult to see how else it could have ended…