How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast). 3. This maintains and builds on the stylishly enjoyable success of the first two series

Many congratulations to the creators of this series for more than maintaining the vigour, style and gripping effectiveness of Series 1 and 2 - althuogh they do have an amazing story and raw material on which to work.

The way we are occasionally reminded that we are hearing this entire story in flashback from the protagonist remains very effective and it is a device that is not used in an irritating or pretentious manner with the storyteller constantly appearing and commenting with hindsight on what we see.

The characters continue to deeb=velop and become fascinatingly rounded, varied and interesting. At the start of the first series the main ones wedre almost, deliberately perhaps, a little cliche-ridden; the outsider trying to impress his crush (Morris) the brilliant, wheelchair-bound cumputer/gaming nerd (Lenny), the self-absorbed and seemingly superficial handsome jock (Daniel) are all now really rounded, often very sympathetic and endearing characters. And their character development over the series is plausible - we really do feel that they are gradually learning, about themselves, each other and the big ,wide, often dangerous world.

Daniel in particular has become a really good and rounded figure and I loved his response when, after having embarked on an intensive gym programme to make himself even better-looking to do an OnlyFans page to raise essential funds, corrected a girl whenshe called him a twink by responding ‘I’m not a twink but a twunk but don’t ask me how I know’!

The story is clearly not finished and there surely must be a fourth series at least…here’s hoping

Scream Series 1 and 2. A continuation/reworking of the franchise thanks to Netflix.

The Mire. Evocative investigative journalist thriller set in Communist Poland