Humans. Series 1 & 2. Fascinatingly thoughtful and well written series exploring the nature and impact of near-human robots on society Series 1 Series 2

A most excellent drama. It really manages to engage with the big questions of consciousness and what it is to be ‘alive’ and truly human- and, via this, the central importance of family and relationships as shown by the main human characters and the ‘synths’ with consciousness who aim for this.

There are several story strands, of different nature (thriller/human relationships/political machinations) but all are very elegantly combined and balanced so that one does not take priority. The human characetrs are shown in all their true flawed character and there has been excellent development, plausible, in terms of their relationships.

It goes well with Love, death and Robost in being an exploration of similar questions but in a sustained and thoughtful way.

Excellent and I am looking forward to the next two series.

Series 2: The excellence continues - it is marvellously stimulating in the way ir provokes so much thought - What is it to define ourselves as human?

What is the right way to act?

What role does empathy have in defining being human?

How is morality connected with being human

The Chair. Comedy-drama, with perhaps a little too much comedy, about the new Chair of a failing English Department in a small liberal arts college.

Scream Series 1 and 2. A continuation/reworking of the franchise thanks to Netflix.