Kaos: Uproariously funny and smart take on Greek mythology with Jeff Goldblum going Full Jeff.


From the first episode, this hit the ground running. It is a very smart, excellently written and funny ‘take’ on Greek mythology. If you know the stories then what has been done with and to them will be highly entertaining but even if you do not, the explanations that are provided are very well done, being non-intrusive or annoying. The structure of the piece is very well done as there are a large number of characters, with their own, often directly relevant, back-story but all this information is expertly woven into the fabric of the script without one ever feeling that we are being lectured on information that we need to have to appreciate the story.

The visual language of the series is also excellent – the Underworld is in faded black and white, while Zeus’s Olympus is wonderfully neon-tacky, managing to combine the ‘best’ of (cheap)  West Coast and Florida aesthetics. And there are also some subtle, unspoken touches; Zeus, for example is invariably surrounded by lithe youths in ball-boy outfits. No reference to Ganymedes or the like is given – but it’s not needed. Poseidon, on the other hand (on his flashy ocean-going yacht, giving off a distinct mob-boss/drug dealer vibe) has nubile young ladies, in very similar costumes.

The cast is first rate, with Jeff Goldblum being Jeff Goldblum and wonderfully appropriate. But the rest of the cast more than match him; I particularly enjoyed Janet McTeer’s formidable Hera.

Looking forward to the conclusion. And now, having seen this, know that there must surely be at least one more series, given the number of richly interesting and satisfying plot scenarios that have been set up and now need to be resolved.


The Perfect Couple: Pulpy but well plotted and performed mystery of the very rich behaving very badly.

Supacell. Very smartly original mash-up of MCU-characteristics and Top Boy