The Perfect Couple: Pulpy but well plotted and performed mystery of the very rich behaving very badly.

The series is quite well summed up by the above heading – and the term ‘airport novel’  which is used, largely disparagingly, by several characters to indicate the sort of the books that the central character (Nicole Kidman) writes.

The plot’s twists and turns are well done, keeping the balance between plausibility and dramatic effect and surprise. Kidman is excellent, giving us another of her ‘ice queens’ and one who has entered the world of Old Money as an outsider and then become the ultimate, judging insider. Liev Schreiber, her ‘old-money’ husband, gives a marvellously understated performance that, somehow, suggest hidden depths in the character.

The dynamics of the relationship between the local police chief, feeling, and regarded as, beholden to the monied set is well-portrayed and the ‘outsider’ is a female detective who recalled Frances McDormand’s character in Fargo with her clear-eyed a somewhat cynical view of everyone. A great performance.

The gorgeous setting is only occasion ally lingered over too long but it plays a somewhat ironical role, given the ugliness of many if not most of the characters and their actions.

Good, gripping, pulpy fun.

Kaos: Uproariously funny and smart take on Greek mythology with Jeff Goldblum going Full Jeff.