Knokke-Off. better-than-average teen emotional trauma drama In Dutch only

As the heading of this review indicates, this was considerably better than its category suggests. The ‘wealthy  troubled kids behaving badly with an outsider being pulled in’ is a cliché where the results are not usually particularly interesting.

The main character, Alexandre had some depth and his family traumas were dramatically well woven into the story, giving it some sympathy and depth. We gradually learnt that there were greater depths to him and the performance given measured up to the demands of this. His traumas were gradually shown and developed and both his and our varied responses (sympathy/annoyance/pity/anger etc.) were well calibrated. Similarly, the unpleasant sides of the personality were not brushed over – for much of the time he was selfish/entitled/insensitive etc.

The attractive setting – an up-market beach area where the rich and entitled could continue to live in an enclosed social enclave, was well depicted.

The ending was mildly irritating. There was some conclusion and resolution (necessarily so) but there were also some open-ended elements as if to allow for another series – but if not then the key dramatic arcs were finished.

Good morning, Veronica: Series 1. Thoughtful and powerful drama that at the very end collapses into telenovela melodrama

Everything Now: A remarkably involving and engaging drama that is both a a school teen drama and near-documentary