Love and Anarchy. Season 2 A touching and witty ‘dramedy’ which balances all elements well.

 It was a long time since I saw the first series of this and so it took me a little time to get back into this world but this was an enormously enjoyable, and often touching, series. The balance between comedy and if not tragedy, then certainly real-life pathos, was very well judged and excellently judged. Throughout.

Here was a fine range of different characters, all distinct who did not fall into the trap of being simplistically shown for the sake of the drama. Additionally, they were drawn in a sympathetic manner; it would have been easy to make many of them mere caricatures for the sake of either laughs or to put the central characters in a better light. This was a real ensemble effort where we, or I at least, was almost equally involved with the lives of all the characters and not just the main ones. It recalled, the French series Call my Agent which, on reflection, I think must have strongly influenced this one. The common ‘closed’ setting of a specialist environment (theatre agency/publisher) both very effectively allow the Art or Commerce debate to flourish and be explored.

A highly enjoyable watch

Mask Girl: Frequently luridly hysterical but gripping melodrama

The Fall of the House of Usher: A Gothic combination of Succession, and the Sackler and Trump families.