Mask Girl: Frequently luridly hysterical but gripping melodrama

This was rather entertaining. The style of performance – hysterical might be putting it a little strongly – but only a little – did take some getting used to but when I surrendered to it, it became acceptable. There were similarities to the Mexican telenovela style but with the crucial difference that the acting was perfectly sound, within that style and not woodenly incompetent as with telenovelas.

The series did manage to if not explore deeply, then at least acknowledge intriguing sometimes disturbing aspects of life in Korea today, notably the rigidly conformist expectations and mental drudgery in many areas, particularly office work and the fascination/obsession with physical beauty, validation and plastic surgery.

The plot structure was interesting gradually expanding out from the one central character whom one assumed would be the man if not only focus, to include others and, impressively, over several generations. Intergenerational relationships were also quite interestingly explored but more as a sideline to the main dram a rather than being the major focus in themselves.

The use of B & W for the first part of Episode 6 (a prison setting) was stylistically effective, along with the minimalist sound track in the scenes.

At the end of the saga, there was a satisfying emotional resolution as well as the necessary plot resolution. An intriguing view.

Tore: A thoughtful and entertaining drama with a fine emotional mix

Love and Anarchy. Season 2 A touching and witty ‘dramedy’ which balances all elements well.