Love, Death and Robots. Vol 3. The Law of Diminishing Returns is beginning to be felt I fear

Most of these episodes have at least something, either visually or content-wise to maintain some interest but…see header. But there are some fine episodes here.

Three Robots: Exit Strategies:

Awful. Just a complete re-run of their earlier sketch. Trite, cliched, sentimental, self-regarding.

The Very Pulse of the Machine:

Surprisingly powerful and effective. Loved the non-CGI visual technique and imagery. Tricky to sometimes follow but worth persisting with as has some genuine emotion and power. The ‘spiritual’ aspect worked for me although seeing reactions online, clearly not for everyone.

Bad Travelling:

Only realised this was David Fincher afterwards. Usual wonderful trademark visuals and a nicely gripping story with some thoughtful depth to go with the creature horrors. The formal dialogue worked (just) but I did feel it just stopped at the end rather than coming to a conclusion.

In a Vaulted Hall Entombed:

Not original in terms of plot but visuals provide a degree of compensation. A baffling ending though - or perhaps I need to re-watch.

Night of the Mini-Dead:

Funny fun- the zombie apocalypse in tabletop miniature. Packed with clever details.

Kill Team Kill:

Irritating; the hyper-masculine language palls rapidly and its not as smart as it thinks it is. dreary story too. A genetically-modified cyber-grizzly…?


Probably the most interesting and thoughtful full and the only one that I would consider re-watching. Some real depth of thought.

Mason’s Rats:

the best of the bunch - and significantly, the only one where it was as much character as technology-driven. Funny and touching and very satisfying.


One of the strangest and possibly the most original. No dialogue with the story, such as it is, being conveyed entirely by near-balletic movement and soundtrack.

Welcome to Eden. Initial promise significantly fails bloom.

Elite Series 5: The rich melodrama continues after a slightly uncertain start.