Welcome to Eden. Initial promise significantly fails bloom.


This series started reasonably intriguingly with a group of selected young people being left on an island where a larger group had been taken ostensibly to launch a new product. But the island is a strange community who seem to regard themselves as eco-warriors who will be able to survive when global warming finally gets out of control. But they are deeply sinister and controlling and from early on there was this great and clumsy contrast between the apparently noble aims of the community and the ruthless and violent actions they took against anyone who stepped out of line.

Andas the story unfolded, so relationships, between the newcomers and those who had been there a long time began to develop. But there was never any true involving logic to the actions and the series ended with an almost ridiculously emphatic cliffhanger, with many open endings and brand new ideas (messages being sent to outer space?!!)

I suppose at one stage it might have had s flourish.ome potential but it really seemed to have no idea of what it was or where it was going. Annoying – and in spite of trying so hard to encourage us to see the necessary continuation, this is not something that I will be doing.

Hold Tight: Gripping story, unfolding commendably slowly.

Love, Death and Robots. Vol 3. The Law of Diminishing Returns is beginning to be felt I fear