Merli: Sapere Aude Season 2. An involving and thoughtful conclusion with a tighter structure

This was a very fine end to an original and dramatically, thoughtfully effective drama. There is not going to be a third series (commendable self-control on behalf of the makers and financiers) and it did come to an effective and plausible conclusion without being too unrealistically tidy; of course Pol will get a university position and start teaching philosophy…

I did at times feel that the linking of the personal issues of the students and the topic discussed in the philosophy class were dealt with a little heavy-handedly. For example, should a character confide something very significant to his loved ones; philosophy topic in next scene – when should we tell the truth. But this was not a major flaw – and it was just good to have a drama where names like Wittgenstein were thrown around (but correctly and convincingly). You can only go so far with the lurid sexual shenanigans of shows like Elite tbh, erotic fun though those are.

But the characters were engaging and plausible and you did not have to leave your brain at the door while watching.

Woman of the Dead. More unusual than the relatively predictable start; grim Euro-mystery tale in small and inward-looking community.

• Elite. Series 6: Good; The lurid and sensational sex-drenched dramatic curriculum continues.