Merli: Sapere Aude. Catalan uni-based teen drama centering around Philosophy.

Quite a lot better than the message line above might suggest. Certainly there was much more thoughtful exploration of these young people and their emotions and relationships and the philosophy element was, by and large, effectively used as a background, while occasionally coming to the forefront. This could have been horribly pretentious (which I initially feared) and perhaos the reason why I did not start the series until I had a recommendation from someone whose high standards of judgement I absolutely trusted.

The portrayal of the relationships was rather more thoughtfully done than is often the case with such YA dramas - and the dealing with unrequited love, ambiguous emotions and gaining a sense of self was very sharply, at at times, movingly, depicted. Life and relationships is c0mplicated and it was good to see a series of this nature acknowledge this rather than approaching in a more glib way which too often happens.

The other pleasing element in tis was the length - not just of the series, a very reasonable 8 episodes - but each episode was not overlong most being about 45 minutes. There was no bloating as often happens with many Netflix series and the final montage showing where all the characters were, dramatically and emotionally, was very concisely effective.

Looking forward to Series 2, which I believe has already been made.

Bridgerton, Series 2. Jane Austen continues her steroids programme

Kitz. Soapy YA drama with bit more depth than at first apparent - which is just as well.