Mindhunter. Series 1. Vivid dramatisation of the start of the art of psychological profiling of serial killers


This was an outstandingly fine series. The close involvement of David Fincher (not just slapping his name on as an Assoiciate Producer or In Association with…as can often happen) was a sign of this.

The series explores, over quite a long time period, the setting up of the first psychological profiling unit within the FBI. Its development is fascinatingly shown as the two ‘founders’ (a grizzled older man and a bright-eyed ‘new ideas’ younger) might sound cliched but the way their relationship develops is marvellouslly shown as the episodes unfold. There is also a smart interweaving of their personal lives along with the professional, showing how each impinges,and sometimes daamges, the other.

The visuals of the series are marvellous. The colour palette - many shades of brown and cream, a certain grubby feel and look about the air (very fine lighting!) the cheap-looking furniture and suits - all contribute to a vivid sense of a particular time as well as often cleverly reflecting the emotional moods of the characters and their stories.

So, top-quality. Not morbidly exploitative which it could easily be and it seems Series 2 will be as fine.

Mindhunter: Series 2. Maintains and builds on the success and power of Series 1

The One. A (initially) smartly contemporary-ideas thriller that largely keeps a fine balance between the science and the interpersonal relationships except at the very end.