Mindhunter: Series 2. Maintains and builds on the success and power of Series 1


A wonderful series. The slow, almost relentless unfolding of the story - of both the unit and the very finely interweaving of the personal lives of the protagaonists - is supebly done and at absolutely the right pace - slow and thuoghtful where it should be, to allow us to think about and consider what we are seeing. The interweaving of personal and professional is excellently done and parallels, where they could exist, are not laboured. It assumes, as did the first series, that the viewer is intelligent enough to be able to take a thoughtful pace, make their own connections…which is refreshingly rare these days.

I do hope there will be a third series as there was a degree of finality of the main story but there remain many strands that were started that have not been finished - not least at the personal level. And it would be good to know more on a personal level, about Holden who remained, through both series, not a blank character, but an intriguingly hidden and enigmatic one.

Marcella: Series 1 and 2. A superbly mature and gripping drama with a very vivid sense of place.

Mindhunter. Series 1. Vivid dramatisation of the start of the art of psychological profiling of serial killers