Muted: Initially effectively twisty Spanish psychological thriller, which then proceeds to lose it.

Well, pretty mixed to be honest. It initially started quite well and intriguingly with a sensational act that was intriguing baffling, but by the time we got to the third episode, the dramatic waters being muddied. There were events and situations that were not well explained.  I am not talking about effectively making the viewer puzzled and so intrigued; what was happening often just seemed unwarranted and dramatically baffling with new ideas and areas inserted at random.

Exactly who was responsible, and why, for the massive surveillance operation (not to mention the historical home situation of the central character) that was the main dramatic focus was not clear. Towards the end it did seem that there was a ‘big pharma’ situation involved but this at the end was not followed through and matters were left hanging. By episodes 4 and 5 (of 6) my feeling was distinctly very ‘meh’ moving to annoyance at the illogicalities and inconsistencies that were constantly being revealed.

But in the final episode there were some effective twists, almost up to the final moment which did, somewhat give me a slightly better view of the drama. But it really was too late and all the gaps and inconsistencies that had been apparent were not in any way sorted or dealt with. Not very impressive at all I’m afraid.



Ragnarok: Series 3. Difficult to see how else it could have ended…

Beef: A rivetingly original and thought-provoking series