Q Force. Execrable


This is unspeakably awful. Admittedly I have only seen 4 episodes but I think that is a fair amount on which to make a judgement.

It is very lazily written with all the characters being a tick-box collection of gay stereotypes, in every respect. There is a dreadful air of smug self-satisfaction and self-regard that permeates every frame and there is not one iota of wit, irony or self-awareness in any aspect of this. It will confirm every prejudice that the prejudiced have about gay people which is probabaly its worst feature. This is the element of irony in the whole sorry affair - that its likely effect and result will be the polar opposite of what was intended

Sex Education Series 3. The wonderfully thoughtful and entertaining drama continues to succeed.

The Chair. Comedy-drama, with perhaps a little too much comedy, about the new Chair of a failing English Department in a small liberal arts college.