Sex Education Series 3. The wonderfully thoughtful and entertaining drama continues to succeed. Official trailer This was the first trailer which is very entertaining - more so than the official one I think

It’s been a while since I finished binge-watching this and having read much online re views and judgements, I feel my remarks are not going to add much to it.

I think the most important thing to say is that the great potential of the series, there from the very start of the first episode, has been more than fulfilled - and very largely (surprise, surprise) by the writing (aided by the performances). The characters and their relationships, the central element of almost all drama, have been really thoughtfully/powerfully/touchingly drawn and from episode to episode, not to say series to series, we remain passionately engaged in their lives and loves.

The depiction of the characters is really intelligently nuanced so that as we see different aspects of their natures in different situations they are always believable (even if at times things do not happen with them that we, sentimentally, want them to). This dramatic hard-headedness is one reason why the series continues to be so gripping and at the end of this third series the resolutions, the openings, the conclusions, were all wonderfully satisfying, even (particularly?) when they were darker, more powerful and, at times, genuinely upsetting.

And talking of powerful character depictions, the character arc of Adam Groff has been, for me, one of the highlights - the changes, development and finally, wisdom and maturity that he has gained has been remarkable and his final scene in the series was heartbreaking - and given how he started, not a phrase I would have expected to write. Likewise with Isaac, his character development has been exemplary in how thoughtfully nuanced it has been and how, as a viewer, my views of him were, and are, constantly chaging.

So, there surely MUST be another series - there are a number of unresolved issues but \I have every confidence that it will match up to what ahs gone before.

Squid Game. A quite remarkable, killingly gripping and thought-provoking series for which the hype is totally justified

Q Force. Execrable