Ragnarok. Series 2. Highly enjoyable continuation of the YA Norse-myth drama


Well, intial commenst about this second series were rather negative - and wrongly so I thought. the gradual unfolding of the mythic saga proceeds at an admirably steady pace and I think that the combination of this element with the teen angst aspects works well - ‘Loki’s’ identity concerns, ‘Thor’s’ inner conflicts, tied in with familial drama with both them and the ‘Giants’ is, I think very entertainingly done.

I like the fact that there are only 6 episodes eper series as it enables them to have good focus and there is ot the sense that matters are being pointlessly extended to fill up space. I am still not wholly convinced by the Wotan figure, but perhaos that will improve/be more plausible in the inevitable next series.

And as I probabaly mentioned before, there are certainly elements of the American Gods novels with the combination of ancient mythology in the modern world.

Lupin Part 2. As magically and grippingly entertaining as Part 1.

Teen Wolf Series 2: Succesful and enjoyable continuation with a strong start and end but slight sagging in the middle