Teen Wolf Series 2: Succesful and enjoyable continuation with a strong start and end but slight sagging in the middle


Very pleased to say that this continues to be marvellously camp/gay/exciting fun. The creator’s tongue is firmly in his cheek but the balance between thrills, camp humour and genuine feeling is pretty expertly managed. In this series I felt that it slightly lost its way in the middle as a number of new characters/plot threads were introduced and this was not always done in as clear and as logical a way as it could have been, but the focus returned for the final episodes and the series came to s string conclusion.

The transformed characetsr are still pretty risible looking but it did seem to be getting a bit better and more subtle compared to the first series. I was wondring whle watching whether I would want to continue, now that the dynamics of the main characters had been well developed (see my point in the comments on Series 1 about the significance of the human/supernatural conflict in the case of stories such as these when the characters are coming to terms with their difference) but there is more than enough to make sure that I certainly watch Series 3 - not least as the amazingly cute Carver twins are new significant characters - and with one of them I know being and playing gay, its obviously a must-see!

Ragnarok. Series 2. Highly enjoyable continuation of the YA Norse-myth drama

Marcella. Series 3. A gripping saga, with criminal investigation and personal traumas expertly mixed.