Sparta: troubled Russian detective investigates apparent teacher suicide and involvement of her class on VR game Sparta (no English subtitles on trailer)

Against my initial expectations, this, finally, turned out to be very good indeed. trajectory was;

Episode 1 - maybe not instantly gripping but worth continuing at least.

Episode 2 - definitely flagging; halfway through I left it, thinking would abandon. But I then went back to at least continue - and it really picked up. Subsequent episodes got better and better until the final tow were edge-of-the-seat stuff.

There was a grubbily realistic feel and look to the whole series. Light was harsh and unflattering and even those who were meant to be smart/attractive/elite-type still had some of these elements. And the grim settings always helped. Everything and everyone looked rather third-rate.

The story -centering on a group of very smart high-schoolers who fell under the spell of a charismatically evil leader - reminded me both of Unman, Wittering and Zigo and Secret History. (Tartt). There was a snake-like fascination in seeing how far the group would go and when/if they would be able to break the spell.

Very fine

Someone Has to Die: Sudsy Spanish drama in late-Franco Spain that falls, spectacularly, at the final fence

Suburra. Grippingly flamboyant picture of a spectacularly corrupt and decadent society.