This was a highly enjoyable first series. there’s a knowing look to the whole thing which is very entertaining - the creators know they are being somewhat ridiculous but still go ahead. And, as with the start of many series where characters become aware of their special or super powers, these early episodes where they are, as it were, caught between normality and the special, are often the best and most involving because of this internal dramatic conflict. Spiderman and Superman come particularly to mind. This was the case with this one too and it will be interesting to see if the interest and style can be maintained.
This first series was made 10 years ago which, in terms of SFX is an age and this is the weakest aspect of the series - particularly when, towards the last episodes, we saw more clearly the transformed teens; when the were just vague shapes in the distance, disbelief was easily suspended. But someone really should have said that to initially convey the ‘wolf’ appearing in a fresh-faced teen, just adding hair and incisors was NOT going to work. In these moments, disbelief could NOT be suspended. But we will see what the second series comes up with.