Love, Death and Robots. Volume 1. Wonderfully varied collection of short animated films (all conceivable styles) and intriguingly fitting this all-embracing title

I realized that I had seen a number of these a while ago (pre review time) but as a second series is imminent they have popped up again – and there were many more than I recall seeing. They are all brief – a maximum of about 15 minutes - and are clever/powerful/shocking/original – sometimes with more than one of these qualities in an episode.

So, to the episodes.

Sonnie’s Edge: Very much a game-orientated one – both in terms of the graphics and the story with monsters controlled by humans battling each other. But there is a great twist at the end and the graphics are equally gory and superb.

3 Robots: An uncharacteristically light-hearted episode (although I winced at some of the effortful dialogue) and with a lovely twist at the end which cat lovers will enjoy and appreciate.

The Witness: The series’ Groundhog Day. But with a very effective Korean animation look which helped maintain interest once the plot idea became visible – although this is about the only one in all of them where that was the case.

Suits: An apparently conventional ‘alien invasion of Middle America’ plot – but one where the makers are not afraid to lose a major character for the sake of the drama. However, the final shot (literally) provides one of the best twists in the series as it puts everything that we have seen in a totally new light. The more traditional and ‘flat’ visuals also gave it a pleasing slightly retro feel.

Sucker of Souls: A so-so Dracula re-working. The dialogue here was utterly dreadful; it sounded as if it had been written by a game-playing adolescent who had never heard actual people speak and interact. The visuals were not particularly evocative either.

When the Yoghurt Took Over: As quirkily comic as the title suggests – although there was something of self-conscious effort to be so in this I felt.

Beyond the Aquila Rift: Relatively simple but surprisingly powerful with well-developed characters and a thought-provoking ending.

Good Hunters: A very fine one. It starts, in pre-20thC China as a shape-shifting ghost hunter’s story but then morphs, like the central character, into something more thoughtful and interesting. I was impressed at how neatly and effectively a long period of time was covered, as well as enjoying the alternative steam-punk history given which was centrally important plot-wise. Very engaging and thoughtful – and one of the few with a positive view/depiction of women.

The Dump: Markedly less effective than the rest – little originality, either in terms of story of visuals.

Shape Shifter: A powerful use the werewolf trope – here embedded with US troops in war zone. A good emotional punch at the end. Excellent visuals – the best sort of game ones with almost creepily realistic moving humans.

Helping Hand: A min-version of Cuaron’s Gravity with the great benefit of brevity.

Fish Night: Excellent. Really powerful and surprisingly touching. Another one where makers not afraid to lose a main character for the sake of the drama. Loved the visuals with their glowing transparency but which could also convey depth; a perfect visual match for the story – a feature of many of these episodes.

Lucky 13: Enjoyable drama of an ‘unlucky’ space fighter and its loyal pilot. No great originality but well done and with top-flight computer-game-style graphics.

Zima Blue: An initially intriguing plot but felt did not really do it justice. Less involving than the others in the series.

Blind Spot: An elaborate heist with robots and a decent twist at the end. But another one with utterly dire dialogue.

Ice Age: Amusing little squib about a civilization on fast forward in an ice box. One of the only ones where the episode just WAS the idea but none the worse for that.

Alt History: Change historical events with an App. An advertisement using various deaths of Hitler but rather feebly. Dull graphics.

The Secret War: Superb graphics triumph over a (relatively) weak story line. Russians battling ghouls in WW2.

Teen Wolf. Series 1. Absurdly enjoyable mash-up of teen HS angst with werewolf matters and with very conscious gay appeal

Marcella: Series 1 and 2. A superbly mature and gripping drama with a very vivid sense of place.