The Night Agent: Gripping slow-burn political/personal White House thriller.

An excellent and deservedly acclaimed series. From the start, it’s a slow-burn approach and all the more successful for that.  I much enjoyed the way the different plot and character strands were introduced and begin to intertwine. The characters were well drawn and detailed and, certainly in the first part, the relationships were thoughtfully explored and developed with the right balance held between personal and professional. I also admired the dense cinematography, which meant that you had to watch the screen closely as lot of information was conveyed, sometimes quite quickly e.g. the important tattoo in first episode

I did feel that as we approached the climax, the whole thing got a bit too obviously adventure-spy-thriller rather than remaining within the political world but by then involved with characters and relationships so less significant than it could have been. It will be interesting to try Series True although the hints given at the end of the final episode suggest that it well may be rather more conventional in its approach and plotting as we are clearly moving out of the very dramatically effective and gripping ‘closed’ setting of the White House and Washington DC.









Griselda: Gripping if somewhat sentimentalized account of Queen Pin of the 70’s Miami drug scene

The Brothers Sun. Family comedy-thriller martial arts drama