The Brothers Sun. Family comedy-thriller martial arts drama

This was an enormously enjoyable series, right from the great start. It was fast and funny with a great combination of comedy and bone-cracking violence. It was a bit like Tarantino but without his self-absorbedness.

As it progressed, it became more thoughtful in the way it explored family dynamics and history but never in a way that became too serious and emphatic and I much liked way new elements and characters slotted in and gradually enrichened the story

The cast were marvelous with Yeoh being particularly impressive

There was a very vivid soundtrack which was very well chosen; it was not over-obtrusive or symbolically/commentary-wise heavy-handed as so often happens these days and it often marvelously undercut and mocked the scene that it was featured in

And one of the nicest and smartest dramatic conceits was that the seemingly hapless younger son Bruce was, much to his surprise and shock, now starting to really live improv – not know what going to happen next; all possibilities were out there.

The Night Agent: Gripping slow-burn political/personal White House thriller.

Good morning, Veronica: Series 1. Thoughtful and powerful drama that at the very end collapses into telenovela melodrama