Trapped; Series 2. As grippingly plotted and richly textured as Series 1 without merely recycling ideas.

When a Series 1 is as good as Trapped 1 was, I am always apprehensive about, and prepared for, disappointment when the second one drops. So its wonderful to say, that this more than matched up to the first. the wonderful setting - that harshly beautiful landscape, the marvellous depiction of small-town life with all its intensity and, at times, crippling narrow-mindedness, the venality of politicians of all levels - often worse, in a way, at local level, as shown here - and the impact that growing up in locations such as these must have on young people - many of whom often want and need to get away, but, equally, those for whom that is their best life and which they would not, nor could not, change.

Central characters returned and their relationships progressed - but not at the expense of the central drama so tat it became sop opera like. However, it was soap - opera like, in that one gets passionately involved (or at least I did) in the lives and relationships of these people. And the writers are not afraid to tread demanding paths in showing how relationships fracture, how we lose central characters to whom we have become attached and all the while with the looming grim beauty of the landscape - and of course, the amazing woolly pullys and magnificent beards that are the two other major stylistic element in this series.

They are currently filming a Series 3 but I feel fairly confident that it will be up to the standard of the first two.

En Immersion: Moodily artistic or pretentiously artsy...?

Dash and Lily: A characteristically wildly sentimental Christmas rom-com which nevertheless works exactly as such are meant to work