Unbelievable: Darkly stark exploration of real-life assault cases.


2nd viewing:  Already seen and very briefly commented upon…

It was a few episodes in before I realized that I had seen this before but seeing it the second time, it was as gripping as the first – and I think I appreciated/saw much more in it this time.

The very impact of the central traumatic events in the story were fascinatingly explored in terms of individuals and how they coped, or did not cope, with the abuse. Some seemed (almost) undamaged, at least to the naked eye, others were destroyed by what had happened; but each situation and circumstance came across as utterly convincing and valid – a reflection of the quality of the writing and authorial perception perhaps?

The pacing of the show was excellent, catching the moments of stasis and no progress as well as moments of breakthrough in a way that seemed truly honest and plausible. The structure, and time spans worked very well, keeping one very involved at all stages. Often in lengthy sagas like these, there are episodes, which either drag or seem to pass to rapidly but here the balance was exemplary. The slower parts e.g. the checking of the DNA was particularly well done.

But one of the biggest strengths was the depiction of both the character and relationship between the central couple, an ‘odd couple’ polar opposites in many ways, who were thrown together not least because of the equal if differently expressed passion for justice. And by the end they had a marvelously powerful and realistic friendship. It was also refreshing in that both had strong and supportive home lives. Very often in shows like these, the focus is at least on the personal trauma of one/the central investigating character, but here the focus was entirely, and very successfully, on the crime and the victims which made the whole series more powerful.

A superb piece of work.


Heartbreak High. Edgy uniquely Australian high-school drama/melodrama

Woman of the Dead. More unusual than the relatively predictable start; grim Euro-mystery tale in small and inward-looking community.