Victim No. 8. Powerful drama with an intelligent exploration of issues, dilemmas and effects of an (apparent) terrorist attack in Spain. (dubbed English; watch in Spanish with subtitles!)

Although a number of online critics (self-appointed?) were rather dismissive of this series, I much enjoyed it. Based around one event it managed to examine the impact and reasons for it at a multitude of different levels and with a multitude of different elements all being dealt with. Other than the basic investigation we got knowledge of the central characters backstory (to, a degree|) how she coped with her demanding job and an 8-month pregnancy, inside views of a family business with all the tense relationships that that implies, a sense of how an investigation always permeates up through the power structure (who are the usual winners) and, perhaps most impressively, the impact of terrorist suspicions on a family and their own relationships. All of these elements were quite masterfully combined I felt and while there was an ending, it is clear that the story ahs not yet finished - as with any manor event, there is very rarely if ever final closure but instead always lingering issues and problems - or future results yet to be discerned. This series dealt with all of this very well and for that reason I rate it highly.

The characters were thoughtfully drawn; very few seemed flat and one-dimensional (although the main double-dealing villain did approach that at times) but even as the climax approached we were allowed glimpses of a human side which was very effective and powerful.

So, an excellent series and very glad to see that a Series 2 has been given the green light.

Dix Pour Cent. Series 4. The final series (sniff) but what a finish. Glorious!

The Mess You Leave Behind: Entertainingly lurid Spanish melodrama that nevertheless finally had more substance than initially seemed