Dix Pour Cent. Series 4. The final series (sniff) but what a finish. Glorious!


From the first episode of the first series, I have enormously enjoyed this - marvellously written with endearing and rounded characters who persona and professional lives we followed with fascination and emotional involvement. Its now finished (this was the last series) but it could not have ended better. It was wholly dramatically and emotion ally satisfying - funny/sad/touching/poignant/true/as necessarily open-ended as anything in real life can be.

Of course one wanted it to go on but kudos to the creators for realising that one cannot do that - and for making the conclusion so fine. And there was even, from Andrea, a little meta-joke about what she might do in the future…’write a series about agents’…!

Bonding. Season 2. Disappointing. The sparkle has gone...

Victim No. 8. Powerful drama with an intelligent exploration of issues, dilemmas and effects of an (apparent) terrorist attack in Spain.