Wellmania: Enjoyable mix of comedy and drama with a thread of touching seriousness running through it.


It was highly enjoyable stumbling on this lovely series. It had a first-rate combination of humour, perceptiveness and genuine emotional warmth with characters that were effectively rounded, with flaws and strengths which made them satisfyingly ‘real’.

The character and relationship development was very well handled throughout the series, largely through really well-written dialogue which had a tang of reality to it. This happened without the often self-conscious cleverness that one often finds where, while the dialogue and/or interaction is smart/funny/powerful, it nevertheless seems slightly distanced from the characters it is ostensibly portraying and is more a reflection of the cleverness of the writer.

Thre is a good interweaving of plots so that although there is one central character and the film focuses on her journey, the figures around her are important – not just to her but in themselves and we are involved in and interested in, their stories as well.

A possible sequel will be interesting…


Obsession: Thoughtfully perceptive and gripping saga of interlinked obsessions.

Succession Season 3: The brilliance continues.