Kai Strittmatter: We have been harmonised; Life in China's surveillance state

Kai Strittmatter: We have been harmonised; Life in China's surveillance state

Just started...and like the last one about the British legal system I finished a gloomy not to say dystopian view of part of the world is going to be presented I think. Significant that the author an old China hand, who had lived and worked there for many years chose to leave once the book was published.

Think too that it is going to show how everything particularly the massive and massively influential and powerful ‘independent/pure capitalist’ corporations like Huawei are subservient to the State ( which is of course The Party) which has to be their first loyalty if they are going to be allowed to survive. I think there seems to be a sense in some parts of the West that these corporations are ‘just like us’ and China’s massive economic growth is seen as similar to the Industrial Revolution in the West and that there is an ability for people to disconnect the familiar pure capitalism aspect of these organizations from the political and social climate when, I think, the two are inextricably mixed. The final chapter which gives an overview of all of this is deep,y depressing and disconcerting...

Going to be a good read and would be interested to know of others take on this.

And of course there is the connection with the world of Black Mirror..and one episode in particular...

Anon: The Secret Barrister; Stories of the law and how it's broken

Anon: The Secret Barrister; Stories of the law and how it's broken

William Dalrymple: The Anarchy; the relentless rise of the East India Company

William Dalrymple: The Anarchy; the relentless rise of the East India Company