Anon: The Secret Barrister; Stories of the law and how it's broken

Anon: The Secret Barrister; Stories of the law and how it's broken

And now finished. A very thoughtful and powerful book. As often the case press and politicians come out worst by having a ‘rush to the bottom/lowest common denominator in terms of reporting and ignorantly reacting to partially understood events (in fact the two are intimately tied it seems and one feds of the other). Good if depressing reading.

Approaching the end of this. Cover and my expectations was that it would be lighter and more anecdotal a la This is Going to Hurt but in fact a passionate diatribe about how damaged and tottering the administration of law is in the U.K.? Onncecagain the fundamental cause is cuts in public servicing.and the pernicious view that any reduction of public expenditure is intrinsically good and improving public services with higher taxes is intrinsically bad. Amazing what a stunnng job so many do with this broken system. Very illuminating too about the often much-maligned CPS who manage to do their job while almost all the time being treated in ways that ensure they. Cannot do their job as well as it should be done.

James A Michener: The Bridge at Andau

James A Michener: The Bridge at Andau

Kai Strittmatter: We have been harmonised; Life in China's surveillance state

Kai Strittmatter: We have been harmonised; Life in China's surveillance state